Prodeus Game Review

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Prodeus the first-person shooter that was popular in the past, has been updated with the latest rendering technology. The game has the high-end quality that you’d expect from an AAA experience while adhering to certain aesthetical technical limitations of earlier hardware.Our Art Style:High Quality 3D Retro Aesthetic
A focus on over the high visual effects.
Amazing dismemberment method
There’s no limit to blood!
Gameplay: Fast pace action
Hellish destruction
Dynamic Soundtrack
Combat scenarios that are visceral and convincing
Heavy duty weapons
A multitude of tricks to be discovered
Replayability:Continuous support
User generated content
A simple to use, level editor
The Team:Prodeus game is developed by Michael Voeller and Jason Mojica from Bounding Box Software who have over 25 years of FPS development experience. Along with talented freelance artists and designers.

As reviewed by giochi porno dragon ball

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